Leading games competently

When working with groups, games help to “break the ice“, help people to get to know one another better, help to clarify a particular theory, etc. A competent games leader should explain a game briefly and comprehensively, accompany the execution of the game in an attentive manner and then finish off the game at the right moment. This skill can be taught and learned.


  • Basic principles for animating games:
    Techniques for starting off, warm ups, dividing up groups, play intervention, building up play modules; changing or adapting the rules of the game
  • The “Magna Carta“ of a play leader:
    the “DDADA-model“, learn about a tried and tested model for leading games
  • Play leadership training“:
    leading games in a relaxed group and developing “my“ personal style of management, getting competent feedback for the practice of games
  • The games chest:
    innovative materials and tips for all age groups; specialist literature


  • Seminars and workshops: 1-2 days